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Ariadne Pfad:


The Williams Syndrome Association (WSA)

570 Kirts Boulevard
48084 Troy Michigan

h t t p s : / / w i l l i a m s - s y n d r o m e . o r g /Externer Link

The Williams Syndrome Assocation was formed in 1982 by, and for, families of individuals with Williams syndrome. The WSA is the only group in the US devoted exclusively to improving the lives of individuals with Williams syndrome and their families. The WSA supports research into all facets of the syndrome, and the development of the most up to date educational materials regarding Williams syndrome.



Art der Institution Verband / Verein / Interessenvertretung
Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte, Projekte Information, Kommunikation
Land Vereinigte Staaten
Zuletzt geändert am 25.06.2014

Thematischer Kontext

  1. Williams-Beuren-Syndrom

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