Eduserver - Education in Germany

Eduserver, the English language version of the German Education Server, provides access to documents and background information regarding the German education system and its international context. You can browse and search, subscribe to the English language RSS newsfeed, write to the editor, or check out “What’s new”. Dossiers are regularly offered.
New dossier
Holocaust Education (international)
January 27 - Holocaust Remembrance Day - commemorating victims of violence and persecution
Education, education, education

A selection of English language documents regarding the German education system and related aspects.
Educational initiative "GIMAGINE" for schools (Goethe-Institut in the UK)
An initiative targeting 14-18-year old students in the United Kingdom who are keen to learn German including a learning platform and competition.
other interesting sites
Refugees from Ukraine
The German education system: basic facts
German education system: structure, funding
Youth work and youth policy in Germany and Europe
Youth policy, research and legislation in Germany, in the European framework