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Ariadne Pfad:


International Federation of Educative Communities (FICE)

Hasengasse 60/14
1100 Wien

h t t p s : / / w w w . f i c e i n t e r . n e t /Externer Link

FICE-International was founded in 1948 under the patronage of UNESCO in Trogen (Switzerland). It maintains contacts with UNESCO, UNICEF, Council of Europe and ECOSOC. It is also a member of the UN-NGO-Group on the Rights of the Child and member of ENSACT. FICE-International contains more than 30 countries – FICE sections – from Europe, Africa and America. FICE-International’s vision is to create networks across continents worldwide to support actions and all those working with at-risk children, children with special needs and children and young people in out-of-home care. All activities aim to respect the personality, interests and needs of the child or the young person.


Erziehung, Kind, Kinderhilfe, Rechte, Kinderrechte, International,

Art der Institution Verband / Verein / Interessenvertretung
Land Österreich
Telefon +43 676 6190871
Telefax +43 1 74034 99 11390
Zuletzt geändert am 30.04.2019

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