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Ariadne Pfad:


Mills, David; Morton, Missy

Ethnography in education.

"Ethnography in Education is an accessible guidebook to the different approaches taken by ethnographers studying education. Drawing on their own experience of teaching and using these methods, the authors help you cultivate an 'ethnographic imagination' in your own research and writing. With extended examples of ethnographic analysis, the book will introduce you to: - ethnographic 'classics' - the best existing textbooks - debates about new approaches and innovations. This book is ideal for postgraduate students in Education and related disciplines seeking to use an ethnographic approach in their Masters and Doctoral theses." [Abstract: Site editor's information].


Bildungsforschung, Feldforschung, Qualitative Forschung,

Quelle Los Angeles u.a.: Sage (2013), 189 S.
Reihe Research Methods in Education
Sprache englisch
Dokumenttyp Monographie
ISBN 978-1-4462-0327-9

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