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Ariadne Pfad:


Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M. (Hrsg.)

Anthropologies of education.

A global guide to ethnographic studies of learning and schooling.

Despite international congresses and international journals, anthropologies of education differ significantly around the world. Linguistic barriers constrain the flow of ideas, which results in a vast amount of research on educational anthropology that is not published in English or is difficult for international readers to find. This volume responds to the call to attend to educational research outside the United States and to break out of "metropolitan provincialism." A guide to the anthropologies and ethnographies of learning and schooling published in German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Slavic languages, Japanese, and English as a second language, show how scholars in Latin America, Japan, and elsewhere adapt European, American, and other approaches to create new traditions. As the contributors show, educators draw on different foundational research and different theoretical discussions. Thus, this global survey raises new questions and casts a new light on what has become a too-familiar discipline in the United States. (Orig.).


Pädagogische Anthropologie, Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft, Bildungsforschung, Ethnologie, Internationaler Vergleich, Aufsatzsammlung, Afrika, China, Europa, Israel, Japan, Südamerika,

Quelle New York: Berghahn Books (2012), VI, 353 S.
Zusatzinformation Verlagsangaben:
Sprache englisch
Dokumenttyp Monographie
ISBN 978-0-85745-273-3

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