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Ariadne Pfad:


Anderson, Lorin W.

Increasing teacher effectiveness.

2. Aufl.

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The booklet gives a summary of the current state of knowledge concerning teacher effectiveness. Themes are the definition of teacher effectiveness, "Standards and structure of learning units", "Classroom environment, climate and culture", "Classroom organization and management", "The structure of lessons", "Teacher-student communication", "Students learning" and "How to increase teacher effectiveness". "In each chapter, the basic concepts and principles associated with teacher effectiveness are described and illustrated. Each chapter also includes a set of recommendations for increasing teacher effectiveness ... Each chapter ... also includes a second set of recommendations which are addressed to policy-makers and educational planners at the local, state (or regional) and national levels." (DIPF/Orig.).


Bildungspolitik, Schulpolitik, Lehrer, Lehrerausbildung, Lehrerrolle, Lernerfolg, Lernumgebung, Unterrichtserfolg, Unterrichtsgestaltung, Unterricht, Beruf, Internationaler Vergleich, Einflussfaktor, Empfehlung, Forschungsbericht, Handreichung,

Quelle Paris: Unesco, Internat. Inst. for Educational Planning (2004), 168 S., URL des Volltextes:
Reihe Fundamentals of educational planning#Bd.#79
Sprache englisch
Dokumenttyp Monographie
ISBN 92-803-1258-8

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