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Ariadne Pfad:


Nyyssölä, Kari; Hämäläinen, Kimmo

Lifelong learning in Finland.

The extent to which vocational education and training policy is nurturing lifelong learning in Finland.

h t t p : / / l i b s e r v e r . c e d e f o p . e u r o p a . e u / v e t e l i b / e u / p u b / c e d e f o p / p a n / 2 0 0 1 _ 5 1 1 8 _ e n . p d fExterner Link

In summer 2000, Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) launched studies on the extent to which vocational education and training (VET) policies and actions nurture lifelong learning in four countries: Finland, Italy, Netherlands and Sweden. This report covers Finland and provides a description of the key principles of lifelong learning in Finland and their implementation in the VET system and other levels of education. It details the arrangements to support lifelong learning-financing, guidance and counseling, etc. to encourage participants, including specific groups. It examines pedagogical solutions and learning environments and includes a detailed description and evaluation of the sources. (DIPF/ Orig.).


Grundbildung, Erziehungsziel, Chancengleichheit, Neue Technologien, Bildungssystem, Bildungspolitik, Förderungsmaßnahme, Beratung, Sekundarstufe II, Übergang, Sekundarbereich, Lernbedingungen, Lernen lernen, Individualisierung, Curriculum, Finanzierung, Industrie, Berufsbildung, Fernunterricht, Erwachsenenbildung, Lebenslanges Lernen, Benachteiligung, Flexibilität, Kooperation, Praxisbezug, Bildungseinrichtung, Zielgruppe, Finnland,

Quelle Luxembourg: Office for Official Public. of the European Communities (2001), 96 S., URL des Volltextes:
Reihe CEDEFOP panorama series#Bd.#12
Beigaben Literaturangaben 60; dokumentarischer Anhang
Sprache englisch
Dokumenttyp Monographie
ISBN 92-896-0078-0

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