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German Rectors´ Conference (HRK)

Ahrstraße 39
53175 Bonn

h t t p s : / / w w w . h r k . d e / h o m eExterner Link

The German Rectors` Conference - Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK) - is the political and public voice of the universities and other higher education institutions and is the forum for the higher education institutions` joint opinion-forming process. The website provides information on its history and structure, its tasks, activities and projects. It also includes a list of publications in English and a database of German institutions of higher education and the study courses they offer.


Technical college, Research, higher education, University policy, International cooperation, Lectureship, Academic studies, Academic sector, Further academic education, Transfer of knowledge,

Type of institution alliance/ association/ interest group
Country Germany
Phone (0228) 887 - 0
Telefax (0228) 887 - 110
Projects of the Institution

Hochschulforum Digitalisierung
nexus – Konzepte und gute Praxis für Studium und Lehre

last modified 30.04.2021

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