Germany for young people

Please find information about offers for introducing younger children to German culture and society, easy language information, as well as exchange and study programme opportunities in the sections below.
Germany- sites for children
Literacy Center Education: Learning German (for young children))
The Literacy Center Education Net offers easy language learning resources (letters, colours, figures, shapes)- for young learners of English, French, German and Spanish. The site includes audio files for practising pronunciation.
Literacy Center Education: Learning German (for young children)): Read more
Literacy Center Education: Learning German (for young children))Report a broken link
Voyage Kids: British-German Connection
Voyage Kids is a bilingual website for children that was designed as a joint venture project of the British Council and the German Goethe Institute. It introduces younger children to British and German culture and society, offering easy language information, songs, lyrics, information for teachers and parents as well as fun and action for children.
Mouse international: English cartoons for children
The Mouse is a highly popular German TV programme for children. On this site, the cartoons are offered in English, Ukranian, Chinese and other languages. A focus is placed on makiing science accessible for pre-schoolers, e.g. space travel.
Mouse international: English cartoons for children: Read more
Mouse international: English cartoons for childrenReport a broken link
The EcoSonic Playground Project
The global learning community faces several pressing issues. The EcoSonic (Ecology/Sound) Playground Project™ (ESPP) aims to address three of them: Equal access to music and arts education, engaging students in engineering, science, and math education and fostering sustainable practices. The ESPP focuses on working with children of all ages to design, build, and play large-scale, multi-player musical [...]
Adolescents and young adults
Career, lifestyle and education in Germany
An English language website offering info and insights for young people, with a focus on learning German with pop songs or apps, tudying or working in Germany, visiting Germany.
Career, lifestyle and education in Germany: Read more
Career, lifestyle and education in GermanyReport a broken link
Come to Germany
Come to Germany is an information service for young people seeking a placement, study opportunity or exchange programme, short term, in Germany, it provides information and addresses. Young people can also access databases for placements.
Young Germany – a website with information and experience for young people in Germany
Information and practical tips on life in Germany for young people, e.g. voluntary services, student life, political participation.
Online German language courses for teens
Various German language formats are especially designed for young learners (teens) by Goethe Institute, for example a three-week summer camp, an online course.