In Focus: Cultural Education in Germany

Promoting culture and cultural education in Germany
This article summarises laws, objectives, responsibilities in the field of cultural education in Germany as part of compulsory education, offered by Eurydice, the European Network for Information in Education.
General information, the state of art
Education in Germany 2012. An indicator-based report including an analysis of arts education throughout the life course. Summary of important results.
The national report on education periodically presents a major empirical review which covers the entire German education system. Published every two years, each report provides indicator-based information about the general conditions, features, results and output of education processes. The reports analyse the entire structure of the education system from early childhood education and school education to [...]
Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe: Germany
The country report on cultural education and policy was published within the framework of the compendium on cultural policies edited by the Council of Europe. It can either be downloaded or viewed chapter by chapter on the website. The English language report on Germany provides detaild information as regards cultural policy, the history of cultural policy in Germany, its current trends, cultural education at [...]
Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe: Germany: Read more
Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe: GermanyReport a broken link
European Youth Policy Wiki: Germany
In Germany, cultural and creative competencies are taught within a legislative framework which leaves decision-making in the education system to the 16 states. The article outlines basic facts, the scope of cultural education and examples for each state regarding the cooperation of nurseries and schools with cultural institutions and initiatives.
Compendium of cultural policies and trends: extensive report on Germany and covid-19
Corona and culture in Germany: Timeline, support measures and discussions . In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused the closure and cancellation of cultural events across Europe with severe impacts on the financial situation of the arts industry and its employees. The contribution outlines the effects on cultural education and current debates as well as funding measures.
Relevant institutions in Germany
Federal Agency for Civic Education
The Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb) centres on promoting awareness for democracy and participation in politics. It takes up topical and historical subjects by issuing publications, by organising seminars, events, study trips, exhibitions and competitions, by providing training and materials online and for download. Some documents and materials are in [...]
German Federation for Arts Education
The German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning (Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung - BKJ) is the umbrella organisation for cultural education in Germany. More than 50 nationwide specialist organisations and state associations have joined forces in the BKJ.
Goethe-Institut e.V. - Head Office
Acting on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany Goethe-Institut e.V. promotes various issues of foreign cultural and educational policy. According to its statute, the three principal objectives of the institute are: to promote the study of the German language abroad, to encourage international cultural cooperation and to convey an all-round image of Germany by providing information on its culture, [...]
German Cultural Council
The Deutscher Kulturrat e.V. (German Cultural Council) was founded in 1981 as an independent working group of cultural and media policy organisations working on a nationwide level. In 1995 the working group was transformed into a registered non-profit association providing a more durable and flexible form of organisation. Today, the Deutscher Kulturrat e.V. is the recognized umbrella organisation of more than [...]
German UNESCO Commission
The German branch office for multilateral cooperation in culture, education, science, and communication publishes information regarding German world heritage, open science, inclusive education, sustainable development goals in German and English.
Stiftung Mercator
Stiftung Mercator is committed to ensuring that the value, usefulness and importance of cultural education for learning and human development are recognised by and made relevant to the actions and decisions of all departments of education in Germany by 2025. - Education must play a key role if our society is to continue to thrive in the future, as this is the only way we will be able to face the challenges of [...]