Media Literacy - Internet Safety (International)

Children and young adults spend more time each day using online media, e.g. search engines, social media, apps, mobile devices. This trend was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the event of homeschooling across Europe. The resources on this website highlight safety and awareness aspects of online media usage, such as data privacy, detection of fake news, cyber bullying.
Projects, programmes
Better internet for kids
European network of Awareness Centres promoting safe, responsible use of the Internet and mobile devices to young people. Co-funded by the Safer Internet Programme.
Safer Internet Day
Within the framework of its Information Society activities, the EU Commission organises a Safer Internet Day in February.
Studies, articles
Practical guidance
The German internet safety awareness Node:
On behalf of the European Commission, presents a national awareness node for Internet safety in Germany. The project aims to foster media competence and risk awareness regarding issues such as data safety, protection from harassment and exposure to fake news, etc. The programme provides online materials, marketing and training . The website serves as a national platform for information exchange, [...]
The German internet safety awareness Node: Read more
The German internet safety awareness Node: klicksafe.deReport a broken link
The Internet Literacy Handbook (Council of Europe)
The Handbook by the Council of Europe is part of its activities for information literacy as a human right. It describes theInternet and its functions to young people (students), with a focus on search for information (search engines, portals), interactive services (e-mail, newsgroups, blogs), distance learning. Other issues include safety and security on the web (spam, data protection).