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Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe: Germany

h t t p s : / / w w w . c u l t u r a l p o l i c i e s . n e t / d a t a b a s e / s e a r c h - b y - c o u n t r y / c o u n t r y - p r o f i l e / ? i d = 1 5Externer Link

The country report on cultural education and policy was published within the framework of the compendium on cultural policies edited by the Council of Europe. It can either be downloaded or viewed chapter by chapter on the website. The English language report on Germany provides detaild information as regards cultural policy, the history of cultural policy in Germany, its current trends, cultural education at school and in extracurricular environments, cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue, and international networks as well as funding and financing. It includes references, and contact options.


Germany, Europe, Intercultural education, Culture, Cultural education, Cultural policy,

Language English
Contact Council of Europe;
Last modified 08.06.2020

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