Recognition of qualifications from abroad (info in English)

In 2012, the Federal Republic of Germany took considerable measures to improve access to the labour market by foreign skilled and qualified workers, due to high demand. You will find background information, reports, legal frameworks but also links to practical guidance here.
Act concerning the Assessment of Equivalence of Professional Qualifications (Professional Qualifications Assessment Act, BQFG)
The Act intends to improve the comparison of professional qualifications obtained abroad with recognised German qualifications, for the purpose of improved integration into the labour market in Germany. The English language Translation is not legally binding -- for the convenience of non-German readers.
document from: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Recognition of foreign professional qualifications
The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) provides information for non-EU members interested in taking up work in Germany, including details about recognition procedures, contact details for consultancy, and a leaflet that is available for download in English, Arabic, French, Spanish.
Recognition of foreign professional qualifications: Read more
Recognition of foreign professional qualificationsReport a broken link
BQ Portal - the information portal for foerign professional qualifications
The portal targets chambers and professional associations in charge of assessing foreign qualifications (assessment authorities), companies looking for information about foreign professional qualifications to help them assess the qualifications of job candidates, and advisory centres which advise and support qualified professionals with foreign qualifications in having their qualifications recognized. [...]
BQ Portal - the information portal for foerign professional qualifications: Read more
BQ Portal - the information portal for foerign professional qualificationsReport a broken link
Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) - info in English
The Central Office for Foreign Education at the Standing Conference of Ministers of Cultural Affairs is a central body of the Länder states. ZAB can, for instance, issue certificates of equivalence for individual vocational qualifications which enable applicants to seek jobs in recognised professions in Germany.
document from: Ständige Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (KMK)
Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) - info in English: Read more
Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) - info in EnglishReport a broken link
Regulated professions database
Database of regulated professions in the EU Member States, EEA countries and Switzerland. The professions listed on this site are covered by Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications which entered into force on 20 October 2007.
Admission to the German labour market
Information by the Federal Employment Agency concerning admission to the German labour market, including English language sheets for professionals from outside Germany.
Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications
The Statement of Comparability is an official document issued by the ";Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen" (Central Office for Foreign Education – ZAB) that describes the foreign higher education qualification, its professional and academic usage. The ZAB Statement of Comparability can facilitate access to the German labour market for holders of foreign higher education [...]
document from: Ständige Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (KMK)
Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications: Read more
Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education QualificationsReport a broken link
MySkills - Recognition of vocational skills
The BKE project at DIPF was initially part of the structure project "MYSKILLS – Recognising Professional Competencies" of the Federal Employment Agency in cooperation with the Research Institute for Company-Based Training (f-bb) and the Bertelsmann Foundation. The project aimed at the development and quality assurance of instruments for valid assessments of professional competencies of people [...]
BIBB Reports on the Recognition Act
2019 Report on the German Recognition Act
The Federal Institute of Vocational Education and Training has been commissioned to publish an annual monitoring report on the Recognition Act, which came into force in 2012. Thereby, the Federal government intends to improve the implementation of the regulations on the assessment and recognition of professional qualifications obtained abroad. The annual reports are published in German and English.
document from: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
2019 Report on the German Recognition Act: Read more
2019 Report on the German Recognition ActReport a broken link
2017 Report on the German Recognition Act
In 2012, the Federal Government implemented the Recognition Act for an improved recognition of professional qualifications obtained abroad and subsequent integration of foreign applicants to the German labour market. The Federal Institute of Vocational Education and Training has since issued annual monitoring reports. In 2017, the monitoring report presented figures regarding the first five years, e.g. the [...]
document from: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
2017 Report on the German Recognition Act: Read more
2017 Report on the German Recognition ActReport a broken link
2015 Report on the German Recognition Act
Following the enactment of the Recognition Act in Germany in 2012, the Federal Institute of Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) was commissioned with an annual monitoring report to track the implementation. Its objective is to assess existing measures concerning the recognition of professional qualifications obtained abroad, and improvement of respective legislation.
document from: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)