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Getting skills right - Continuing Education and Training in Germany - OECD Report

h t t p s : / / r e a d . o e c d - i l i b r a r y . o r g / e m p l o y m e n t / c o n t i n u i n g - e d u c a t i o n - a n d - t r a i n i n g - i n - g e r m a n y _ 1 f 5 5 2 4 6 8 - e n # p a g e 1Externer Link

Skills have the potential to transform lives and drive economies. However, in many countries, imbalances between the supply and demand for skills lead to significant skill mismatches and shortages, with as many as three in five workers in the OECD employed in jobs that do not make the best use of their skills. At the same time, a large number of employers report hiring problems due to skill shortages. This OECD series examines how countries measure changing skill needs and how they develop skills that respond to labour market needs and how they ensure that these skills are fully utilised by individuals and employers. Presenting both thematic reports on specific policies and issues and in-depth country reviews, this series offers countries the information and analyses they need to get skills right (Text OECD). Online reading access to the complete report is free - 182 p., 2021). An executive summary in German is also available (17 p., 2021)



Germany, Adult education, Professional Continuing Education, Demand for further education,

Language German; English
Last modified 10.01.2023

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