Migrants, minorities, mismatch? Skill mismatch among migrants and ethnic minorities in Europe
h t t p s : / / w w w . c e d e f o p . e u r o p a . e u / d e / p u b l i c a t i o n s / 5 5 1 6
Cedefops research paper shows that migrants from outside the EU are more likely to find jobs beneath their real skills level (overeducation), while ethnic minorities are more typically found to lack the education level that the labour market requires (undereducation). Limiting mismatch is good not just for individuals but also for the European economy, allowing a better use of human potential.
Europe, Labor market, Gainful work, Migrant woman, Overqualification,
Language | English |
Contact | European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) |
Last modified | 30.11.2017 |