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Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID)

Universitätsring 15
54296 Trier

h t t p s : / / l e i b n i z - p s y c h o l o g y . o r g / e n /Externer Link

The Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) is the supra-regional research support facility for psychology in German-speaking countries. It supports the entire scientific work process, from literature research and study planning to data collection and analyses to documentation, archiving and publication of results. The services offered by ZPID are based on an ideal-type research cycle. ZPID is committed to the idea of open science and sees itself as a public open science institute for psychology. As a research-based support institution, ZPID conducts basic application research in the areas of research literacy and user-friendly research support, research synthesis methods and big data in psychology. The central, free-of-charge services include the search portal PubPsych, the preregistration platform PreReg, the open access publishing platform PsychOpen GOLD and the psychology repository PsychArchives.


Applied research, Filing, Data evaluation, Data bank, Documentation, Technical literature, Research Data, Information system, Infrastructure, Literature, Literature documentation, Psychology, Psychological test,

Type of institution non-university research/ service
Country Germany
Town of the mailbox Trier
Phone 0651 201-2877
Telefax 0651 201-2071
Parts of the Institution

Forschungsdatenzentrum am ZPID

last modified 31.10.2023

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