teacher education - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Green Paper On Teacher Education In Europe - High Quality Teacher Education for High Quality Education and Training
This Green Paper is based on the outcomes of continuous analyses, research and development by the sub-networks of the Thematic Network on Teacher Education in Europe (TNTEE). The membership of these multinational groups was drawn from all the countries of the European Union. The Green Paper is arranged in five main parts: Aims, context and overview (Part I), brief analysis of ...
Journal of Industrial Teacher Education
Die National Association of Industrial and Technical Teacher Educators veröffentlicht e4-5 jährlich das Journal of Industrial Teacher Education. Seit 2010 Journal of STEMM Teacher Education .
Special Education (ThoughtCo)
ʺUse these special education resources to help you become a better teacher and advocate for students with special needs. Find information on special education careers, social skills, testing, and more.ʺ Quelle: Anbieter
Centre for Holocaust Education
The University College London provides classroom materials, resouces and lesson plans (UK 2019).
Here we find teacher lesson plans around many nature livecams created by researchers and animal experts (USA: Annenberg 2020).
Teacher professionalization and teacher commitment: a multilevel analysis (National Center for Education Statistics, Washington D.C.)
Dieser Bericht erforscht die Effekte der Professionalisierung von Lehrern in Grund- und weiterführenden Schulen der Vereinigten Staaten. Die Analyse geht dem Verhältnis von traditionellen Charakteristika des Lehrerberufs und dem Selbstbekenntnis und Engagement von Lehrern auf den Grund.
How Long Do Teacher Effects Persist?
Previous findings from experimental and non-experimental studies have demonstrated that teachers differ in their effectiveness. In addition, evidence from non-experimental studies has indicated that teacher effects can last up to five years. This study used high-quality data from a four-year randomized experiment in which teachers and students were randomly assigned to classes ...
TIMSS and PIRLS: Germany - teachers, teacher education and professional development
Im Rahmen der vergleichenden Leistungserhebungen TIMSS und PIrLS entstand eine Enzyklopädie zu den Bildungssystemen der beteiligten Länder, die u.a. auch über dass Schulsystem der Bundesrepublik Deutschland informiert.
National Association of Biology Teachers
The National Association of Biology Teachers empowers educators to provide biology and life science education (USA 2019).
Inclusive digital education
In diesem Dokument beleuchten Expert*innen der European Agency die Potentiale digitaler Bildung für die Bildung von Menschen mit Behinderungen, auch vor dem Hintergrund der sozialen Teilhabe bzw. Exklusion es geht um Universal Design, assistive Technologien, Lehrkräftebildung, Einbeziehung von Eltern und Familienstrukturen.