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Higher Education Opportunities in Germany

h t t p s : / / s t u d i e n w a h l . d e / e nExterner Link

This online service provides you with comprehensive information to prepare for studying at a college or university in Germany. Here you can obtain essential information on admissions and the application process, funding programmes as well as the various types of universities and degrees. You can find detailed information on the subject matter and structure of more than 70 courses of study. Please also note the information provided elsewhere regarding facilities, service agencies and the various sources of information offered to prospective students. The German version also includes a database with current information on more than 10,000 courses of studies at all of the German colleges and universities.


Germany, Academic degrees, Occupations, Vocational academy, Occupational orientation, Occupational choice, Technical college, Graduate correspondence course, Academic degree, higher education, Fine arts college, Conservatory, Guidance and counseling, Subject of study, Channel of academic studies, Academic studies,

Language German; English
Contact Meramo Verlag,
Last modified 23.06.2022

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