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LIWI Verlag - The Literary and Scientific Publisher (LIWI Verlag)

Bergenstr. 3
37075 Göttingen

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LIWI Literatur- und Wissenschaftsverlag is a book publisher based in the university city of Göttingen. The traditional science city is home to numerous popular and scientific publishers and is one of the cities in Germany with the most bookstores per inhabitant. The Göttingen publishing house's claim is to publish reliable editions in contemporary book design in all common formats (paperback, hardcover and e-book). The publishing house focuses on literary modernism (with authors such as Stefan Zweig, Rainer Maria Rilke, Virginia Woolf, and Robert Musil) as well as current scientific publications in the series "Science in the 21st Century." Other publishing topics include the philosophy of the Enlightenment (e.g. Immanuel Kant) as well as cultural and social science texts of the 20th century (such as Max Weber and Walter Benjamin).


Book, Literature, World literature,

Type of institution media provider/ publisher
Country Germany
Town of the mailbox Göttingen
Phone +495519955145
last modified 15.06.2022

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