Human rights education (international)
Declarations of Human Rights
Human Rights: Finding Help at the UN
On December 10, 1948 the United Nations declared the Convention on Human Rights. This website by Deutsche Welle informs about the human rights conventions and requirements for complaints, it further links to related web resource such as the UN Guidelines for Complaint and pertinent NGOs.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was issued by the United Nations on December10, 1948. Its full text is accessible via this website.
European Convention on Human Rights - Council of Europe
Discover the genesis of the original version of the European Convention on Human Rights by reading the preparatory works article by article.Compare the 1950 version of the Convention with the current text. Finally, acquaint yourself with the Convention thanks to its simplified version designed for educational purposes
Human Rights Policy
UNHCR: United Nations Refugees Agency
The Office of the United Nations Commissioner for Refugees, the agency is mandated to co-ordinate international action towards the protection of refugees. The website provides access to publications, bodies, research and teaching resources, statistics.
Human Rights Policy - Federal Foreign Office Germany
The Federal Foreign Office outlines its policy regarding human rights protection and the international context (UN conventions) here,with pertinent current news and links to further details, such as the official report on human rights policy (both in terms of foreign policy and implementation of international standards at home).Cornerstones are women, childrren, people with disabilities, LGBTQI.
Human Rights Policy - Federal Foreign Office Germany: Read more
Human Rights Policy - Federal Foreign Office GermanyReport a broken link
European Union: Human Rights
The EU presents an overview of its activities in the field of human rights and democratisation on this site, which constitute its founding principles. Accordingly, users can navigate the area by subject (e.g. anti-discrimination, charter for basic rights, equity) or download documents.
Council of Europe: human rights website - LAW, POLICY
The Human Rights Directorate works to promote and develop human rights and to ensure that they are complied with in the Council of Europes member states. Its responsibilities include: developing human rights law and the Councils policy in the field; supervising the application of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights; and implementing the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture [...]