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The MasterÂ’s degree as a further higher education qualification provides qualification for a profession. It can be obtained after a standard period of study (Regelstudienzeit) of two, three or four semesters at universities and equivalent institutions of higher education, colleges of art and music and at Fachhochschulen. As a rule, the entry requirement for a MasterÂ’s study course is a first higher education degree qualifying for a profession. Consecutive MasterÂ’s study courses are part of the graduation system of consecutive degrees which is to replace the traditional system of higher education qualifications (Diplom and Magister). MasterÂ’s study courses providing further education correspond to the requirements for consecutive MasterÂ’s study courses and lead to the same level of qualification and to the same rights. MasterÂ’s qualifications provide the same rights as Diplom and Magister qualifications of universities and equivalent institutions of higher education.

Source of definition in English
Last modified 26.08.2019

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