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Working in the health sector in Germany

26.06.2024, 10:00 Uhr - 26.06.2024, 12:00 Uhr

North Rhine-Westphalia

h t t p s : / / j o i n . n e x t . e d u d i p . c o m / e n / w e b i n a r / w o r k i n g - i n - t h e - h e a l t h - s e c t o r - 2 0 / 1 9 7 5 0 6 2Externer Link

The first part of the tutorial is about “Working and Living in Germany”. The content includes the German job market, skills shortage, visa, recognition, social security system, application and job search, including the presentation of services. In the second part of the tutorial, the need for skilled workers in healthcare professions in Germany will be highlighted, the key professions in demand will be presented and the opportunities on the job market will be discussed. If you have at least a basic level of German (A2) or work in software development just send your CV to


Germany, Alien, Health care delivery system,

Type of event information event
Thematic area special education school; vocational education and training; higher education; youth work and education
Target group general public
Conference language English
Organised by


Last modified 16.04.2024

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