intercultural education - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen
Declaration by the European Ministers of Education on intercultural education in the new European context
Declaration by the European Ministers of Education on intercultural education in the new European context, meeting on the occasion of the 21st session of the Standing Conference in Athens, from 10 to 12 November 2003 .
Journal of Intercultural Communication
The goal of the journal is to promote research but also education and training in the area of intercultural communication. The journal is an outgrowth of the activities of NIC the Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication. The great interest shown in the activities of NIC have pointed to a need for more journals employing a peer review procedure within the area of ...
UNESCO Guidelines on Intercultural Education
In a world experiencing rapid change, and where cultural, political, economic and social upheaval challenges traditional ways of life, education has a major role to play in promoting social cohesion and peaceful coexistence. Through programmes that encourage dialogue between students of different cultures, beliefs and religions, education can make an important and meaningful ...
Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations
The Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations is an International Non-Governmental Youth Organisation (INGYO) that represents national organisations running international voluntary service projects. Each organisation promotes community development, intercultural education, understanding and peace through voluntary service. The common aim of all international ...
The Education for Democratic Citizenship Division (EDC), Council of Europe
"Education for Democratic Citizenship" ist ein Programm des Council of Europe mit dem Ziel, Prinzipien der Partizipation und Demokratie in Europa zu vermitteln und zu verbreiten. Das Internetportal informiert über Veranstaltungen und Projekte im Rahmen der demokratischen Bildung. Materialien u.a. zum Einsatz in Schulen sowie ein Newsletter und Definitionen stehen ...
The Big Myth - How did it all begin? Every culture has its own answer!
The International Association for Intercultural Education together with Distant Train provides in English and in Nederlands a rich variety of myths allover the world. Big Myth is a new experimental learning module designed for use in European primary school classrooms. It is a sociology textbook for the comparative study of world creation mythology. The myths are told using ...
EMIL - Europäisches Modularprogramm für Interkulturelles Lernen in der Lehreraus- und -fortbildung
Im Mittelpunkt des Projektes EMIL steht die Idee, zusammen mit Partnereinrichtungen aus Deutschland, Bulgarien, Griechenland, Großbritannien und der Türkei unter Berücksichtigung der unterschiedlichen akademischen Traditionen, Bildungssysteme und gesellschaftlichen Probleme (Minderheitenproblematiken, Zuwanderungsgesellschaften, europäischer Integrationsprozess, ...
- Lehrerberuf (4)
- Schulwesen Allgemein (4)
- Fachunabhängige Bildungsthemen (4)
- Interkulturelle Bildung (3)
- Sozialkundlich-Philosophische Fächer (2)
- Sozialkunde (1)
- Mobilität, Austausch (1)
- Interkulturelle Bildung (3)
- Europa (3)
- Griechenland (2)
- International (2)
- Guidelines (1)
- Interculturalism (1)
- Intercultural Education (1)
- Primarstufe (6)
- Sekundarstufe Ii (6)
- Sekundarstufe I (6)
- Hochschule (4)
- Fort- und Weiterbildung (3)
- Berufliche Bildung (3)
- Spezieller Förderbedarf (1)