intercultural - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen
Journal of Intercultural Communication
The goal of the journal is to promote research but also education and training in the area of intercultural communication. The journal is an outgrowth of the activities of NIC the Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication. The great interest shown in the activities of NIC have pointed to a need for more journals employing a peer review procedure within the area of ...
Einführung in die interkulturelle Kommunikation
Vorgestellt werden verschiedene Dimensionen von Kultur (Individualismus und Kollektivismus, Maskulinität und Femininität, Risikobereitschaft und Unscherheitsvermeidung, Hierarchie und Soziale Distanz, Partikularismus und Universalismus, Polychronismus und Monochronismus), nonverbale Kommunikation und Körpersprache, anhand der Modelle von Hofstede und Trompenaars. Der ...
Declaration by the European Ministers of Education on intercultural education in the new European context
Declaration by the European Ministers of Education on intercultural education in the new European context, meeting on the occasion of the 21st session of the Standing Conference in Athens, from 10 to 12 November 2003 .
Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations
The Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations is an International Non-Governmental Youth Organisation (INGYO) that represents national organisations running international voluntary service projects. Each organisation promotes community development, intercultural education, understanding and peace through voluntary service. The common aim of all international ...
Developing Intercultural Awareness and Writing Skills Through Email Exchange
This paper is based on an international information technology-based collaborative project, initiated by the British Council, between primary level pupils from two schools in Singapore and Birmingham (UK). Through the electronic exchange of information, the pupils explored different writing tasks for various purposes and types of audience.
- Sprachen und Literatur (5)
- Lehrerberuf (4)
- Englisch (4)
- Fachunabhängige Bildungsthemen (4)
- Schulwesen Allgemein (4)
- Interkulturelle Bildung (3)
- Mobilität, Austausch (2)
- Interkulturelle Bildung (3)
- Europa (3)
- Interkulturelle Kommunikation (2)
- International (2)
- Griechenland (2)
- School Book (1)
- Intercultural (1)
- Sekundarstufe I (11)
- Sekundarstufe Ii (10)
- Primarstufe (6)
- Hochschule (5)
- Fort- und Weiterbildung (4)
- Berufliche Bildung (4)
- Spezieller Förderbedarf (1)