climate policy - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen
Young People's Suit Over Climate Disruption Comes to Court
Young people are suing the U.S. government over climate change, and their case comes before federal court on October 29, 2018. In this lesson, students examine the suit, read the personal testimony of two of the plaintiffs, and consider other strategies that young people are using to affect climate policy. (USA: Teachable Moments 2018)
'Losing Earth': A Climate Change Curriculum
“Losing Earth” and the accompanying curricular materials will enable teachers and students to have bold conversations about climate change, the media’s role in shaping discourse about the issue, and the political willpower needed to enact critical environmental policy (USA: Pulitzer Center August 2018).
Europe Sustainable Development Report
The report identifies policy priorities for the EU to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and implement the Paris Climate Agreement. The report compares the performance of the EU and its member states on all 17 SDGs and provides detailed country profiles using a mix of data sources (2020).
Debating Workers' Rights at Walmart
A wave of protests by Walmart workers highlights the low wages and anti-union climate facing workers at Walmart - and many other companies. In two readings, students explore the debate over Walmart’s business model and labor practices and find out about recent protests at Walmart stores across the country (Teachable Moment USA 2013-20).
Bildungsmaterial Demokratie: Europa, Das Klima & Wir (ab Klasse 7)
Welchen Einfluss hat die EU auf die Klimapolitik? Und was können junge Menschen tun, um die Zukunft Europas und die Klimaschutzpolitik mitzugestalten? Europa und der Klimawandel sind zwei Themen, die junge Menschen derzeit stark bewegen. Das zeigt sich insbesondere bei den Fridays for Future-Demonstrationen. Viele junge Menschen wünschen sich mehr Möglichkeiten, um in ...
- Politik (8)
- Bilingualer Unterricht (7)
- Englisch (7)
- Sprachen und Literatur (7)
- Environment (6)
- Economic Policy (1)
- Demokratie (1)