Bildungsmaterial Demokratie: Europa, Das Klima & Wir (ab Klasse 7)
kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier
Welchen Einfluss hat die EU auf die Klimapolitik? Und was können junge Menschen tun, um die Zukunft Europas und die Klimaschutzpolitik mitzugestalten? Europa und der Klimawandel sind zwei Themen, die junge Menschen derzeit stark bewegen. Das zeigt sich insbesondere bei den Fridays for Future-Demonstrationen. Viele junge Menschen wünschen sich mehr Möglichkeiten, um in wichtige politische Prozesse miteinbezogen zu werden und Einfluss darauf nehmen zu können. Das Unterrichtsmaterial Europa, das Klima & wir unterstützt die Schüler*innen dabei. Sie lernen, sich als ein Teil der Demokratie zu begreifen, in der sie das Recht haben, sich eine eigene Meinung zu bilden und dieser auch Gehör verschaffen zu können. Das Material bietet Impulse, Diskussionsanregungen und kurze Hintergrundinformationen für den Unterricht. Ergänzend werden Hinweise zur aktiven Umsetzung in die Praxis gegeben.
What does Europe mean for students? What influence does the EU have on climate action? And what can young people do to help shape the future of Europe and its climate policy? Europe and climate change are two of the political issues that are currently of major concern to our society and to young people in particular. Whether its Brexit, the EUs copyright reform or the Fridays for Future demonstrations, more and more young people in Europe are entering the public debate, calling attention to the fact that their concerns and ideas are not being heard by those in politically responsible positions. European elections are important in setting the course for the future. How forceful and how credible is Europes commitment to mitigating climate change and promoting climate justice? To what extent will parties and parliamentary groups reject human and child rights, fundamental European values and the fight against climate change? How is Europe shaping the digital world? How will the process of European integration develop in the future? Think, take action and get involved: With our and Us! series of teaching resources, we would like to provide you with ideas on how you can prompt your students to start thinking about politically relevant issues that shape our society and initiate exciting discussions in the classroom. In addition, these materials contain numerous suggestions on how students can take action and work for a future worth living. The goal is to give young students the opportunity to learn that they are part of our democracya democracy in which they can form their own opinions and make themselves heard. We hope that these educational materials will provide you with ideas on how to address current issues in the classroom.