Write - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

How to write a summary (video)
A short video explaining how to write a summary of a fictional text.  
How to write an essay
Many students need help writing an essay. If you dont know how to write an essay, it can be a very difficult thing to do. Here is an approach to making writing an essay a more manageable task.
How to write an opinion essay
a short Video Tutorial (2min) that sums up the basics of writing an opinion piece
Übersicht: Schreiben
Informationen zum Kompetenzbereich ʺSchreibenʺ: How to write an introductionʺcomment on...ʺ vs. ʺdiscussʺWorking with argumentsHow to deal with other task descriptorsHow to write a picture/cartoon descriptionProofreadingCurriculum Vitae (CV)Essay Writing and Connecting PhrasesFormal and Informal LettersZeitungsartikel und LeserbriefePersonal ...
Tips on Writing for the Ear
 ʺWriting for the Earʺ means writing words that people will hear with their ears, not read with their eyes. Like when people write scripts for radio or TV. Or when YOU write an oral presentation to read in class. When you write for the ear, you must remember one important fact: Listeners don't get a second chance! READERS who don't understand something can go back ...
ABC of Writing processes
The purpose of this site is to provide a user friendly online resource, for students or teachers, no matter what they are being challenged to write.
How to work with cartoons and pictures
a step by step description of how to write a cartoon or picture analysis
Method Kit: How to write ....
Tipps und Tricks zur Bewältigung von Schreibaufgaben aus den Bereichen "Analysis" und "Composition"
Bildbeschreibung mit DALL·E und DeepL Write: Edward Hopper's "Nighthawks"
Diese Einheit fördert die Kompetenzen der Bildbeschreibung beziehungsweise Bildanalyse und Textüberarbeitung mithilfe der KI-basierten Programme DALL·E und DeepL Write.