Threat - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Threat - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Nuclear Threat Initiative Education Tutorials
Set of educational tutorials that can be useful to introduce students to the complex issues of nonproliferation in the 21st century (USA 2016-21).
Supreme Court: Ingraham v. Wright
Because of a 1977 Supreme Court ruling on corporal punishment (ʺpaddlingʺ) , students are the sole group of Americans whom governmental employees may beat with impunity, even when they pose no threat to safety (USA: Oyez 2018).
Worksheets: The threat to tropical rainforests and international climate protection
The lesson modules below address an issue which will already be known to pupils from the lower secondary grades. Tropical rainforests play an important role time and again – and not only in geography lessons.
The Climate Detectives Campaign
The Climate Detectives campaign aims to provide as many secondary schools as possible the support regarding climate protection. You are invited to use the materials of the campaign as well as our service and project ranges. Start protecting the climate at your school now. Train climate detectives, improve your CO2 footprint and explore the effects of climate change. The ...
Migrationshintergrund und Bildungsbenachteiligung. Die Bedeutung von Gruppenprozessen. Memorandum zum politischen Handeln.
Die neuesten internationalen Vergleichsuntersuchungen haben Deutschland kein gutes Zeugnis ausgestellt: Hier gelingt es weniger als anderswo, soziale und familiäre Benachteiligungen im Zuge der schulischen Ausbildung auszugleichen. Einen großen Einfluss auf die Bildungs- und Lebenschancen haben gute Kenntnisse der Landessprache. Dementsprechend fällt Interventionen zur ...