Solving - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Solving - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Agree or Disagree Math
Informed arguments provide opportunities for students to develop problem-solving skills (USA 2018).
Get the Math
This interactive website combines video and web interactive to help young people develop algebraic thinking skills for solving real- world problems (The Moody's Foundation, USA 2012). 
Global Temperature Change
Students use climate statistics for a problem-solving and decisionmaking process (2023).
Big Data and Privacy
This unit tackles the questions: What opportunities do large data sets provide for solving problems and creating knowledge? How is cybersecurity impacting the ever-increasing number of Internet users? (USA 2019)
Engineering Solutions to 21st Century Environmental Problems
The units’ topics are diverse, but all follow an environmental theme and contain the engineering principles of design and problem solving (Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute 2019).
How to structure a good PowerPoint Presentation
Ein kompakter Überblick über die unterschiedlichen Phasen von der Planung über die Struktrierung bis hin zu grundsätzlich unterschiedlichen Arten von Präsentationen (Short Presentation, Problem Solving Presentation, Tell a Story etc.).
Solving the Refugee and Migration Crisis?
What would a sustainable refugee and migration policy look like? Professor Paul Collier of Oxford University in conversation with Social Europe's Editor-in-Chief Henning Meyer (Social Europe 2018-19)
Science Mystery
Mysteries are a natural way to combine logical thinking and problem-solving with engaging stories, suspense, excitement and fun. Mysteries written with a focus on science content and methods are an ideal way to immerse students in the learning process. Suitable for grades 5 to 12 (The Mystery Spot, USA 2009-19)
Is Democracy Possible in the Middle East?
The students expand their content knowledge of the Middle East pre and post Arab-Spring, they apply decision-making and problem-solving skills, and they examine multiple perspectives (USA: Foreign Policy Research Institute 2019).
Technology and Classroom Authority (Starla Stensaas)
Der Aufsatz untersucht, inwiefern die Zunahme von Computertechnologien, ihre Beeinflussung der Kommunikation und die Frage nach Medienkompetenz eine Dekonstruktion von Macht und Autorität innerhalb der Schulklasse mit sich bringt.