Technology and Classroom Authority (Starla Stensaas)kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

Technology and Classroom Authority (Starla Stensaas)

kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

Der Aufsatz untersucht, inwiefern die Zunahme von Computertechnologien, ihre Beeinflussung der Kommunikation und die Frage nach Medienkompetenz eine Dekonstruktion von Macht und Autorität innerhalb der Schulklasse mit sich bringt.

This paper discusses how the growth of technology and its impact on our communication paradigm requires a deconstruction of power and authority in the classroom. It exposes the ways in which faculty expertise in content in a technological environment, that is, being the most skilled and competent computer user in the classroom, negatively informs our understanding of classroom authority and teaching success. It argues that a creative problem-solving process is a more useful measure of successful teaching and calls for flexible pedagogies that focus on community-building while maintaining clear conceptual and theoretical frameworks. This paper also provides a case study of the author`s approach to altering classroom authority by examining, for example, such practices as teaching multiple courses concurrently, eliciting student voice, discussing course pedagogy in the classroom, involving students in decision-making about grading and deadlines, giving students peer teaching responsibilities, and focusing on consensus as the classroom decision-making process.

Zur Verfügung gestellt von: Deutscher Bildungsserver
Autor: Stensaas, Starla;
Lernressourcentyp: Primärmaterial/Quelle
Geeignet für: Lehrer; Schüler
Sprache: Englisch