Points - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Points - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

The Soviet Origins of Helmut Kohl's 10 Points
Documents show secret messages from Moscow sparked West German chancellor to announce German unification plans on November 28, 1989 (USA: The National Security Archive 2009-20)
Is the European Union Worth It Or Should We End It?
In 7 minutes this video presents different sides and view points, while being fair and as neutral as possible (2018).
Information: A public good
Thinking about ‘what to do’ about disinformation means understanding information’s positive quality as a public good. This Eurozine focal point assembles articles from numerous European media in 2020.
Syria Today: Diplomatic vs. Military responses
Students learn more about the current conflict in Syria, and consider different points of view about how the U.S. should respond (USA: TeachableMoment 2013-20). 
In 2015 the United Nations established 17 sustainable development goals — measurable benchmarks of human progress that might guide a path “to end poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change by 2030.” Every year since 2017, a progress report tracks key data points: poverty, malnutrition, maternal mortality and 15 more (Gates Foundation USA 2022).
Animal Farm - study guide
sehr ausführliches Skript (Student's Book)  This module is designed to provide students with reading and listening practice. It contains many reading exercises and activities as well as many group discussion questions. Students will be able to practice group speaking and reading as well as have a better understanding of new words and definitions. There are also many ...
Teaching About Climate Change With The New York Times
Seven starting points for teaching and learning about the topic, along with a list of links to much more, from Learning Network lesson plans to Times video, graphics, articles and photographs (2014).
Basic Rights: Listening In
In this New York Times lesson from 2006, students share opinions about the legitimacy of eavesdropping on citizens (2009-18).
duolingo - Sprachlernapp
Duolingo ist eine Webseite, um kostenlos Sprachen zu lernen. Duolingo wurde mit dem Ziel erstellt, Bildung allen kostenlos zur Verfügung zu stellen. Duolingo bietet umfangreiches Material zum Üben der Rechtschreibung und des verstehenden Hörens, aber weniger Sprachübungen. Die Übungen folgen einem System, das Inhalte spielartig von Level zu Level vermittelt. Darüber ...
Immigration Debate
Americans offer positive and negative perspectives regarding immigrants. There are points of view, for example, regarding immigrants' impact on the U.S. labor force and issues around terrorism and immigration. Gathering information on pro and con arguments can be helpful if making conclusions regarding immigrants' roles in the United States is to occur (PBS, USA ...