Anatomy - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Anatomy - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Anatomy Corner
This informative website was created by a high school teacher in Granite City, Missouri. It brings together a wide range of resources designed to help students learn about anatomy (2013-20).
Open Learning Initiative: Anatomy & Physiology
This site from Carnegie Mellon University’s Open Learning Initiative opens up new ways of looking at anatomy and physiology for lay people. This particular course focuses on several themes including the structure and function of the body, the levels of organization within the body, and homeostasis. There are fifteen units within this course and visitors can create a free ...
Anatomy encyclopedia presented in a visually-appealing, easy-to-read format (USA 2017)
BioDigital Human presents a virtual 3D body that brings to life ʺthousands of medically accurate anatomy objects and health conditions in an interactive web-based platform.ʺ The Basic version is completely free (USA 2013).
Anatomie einer Skelettmuskelfaser
In der Khan - Academy wird ausführlich der Muskelaufbau bis hin zur Muskelfaser am Beispiel eines Skelettmuskels vorgestellt. Dabei wurde das Lernvideo mit deutschen Untertiteln versehen.
LUMEN: Structure of the Human Body
For medical professionals, learning about the human body is crucial. Created by Dr. Frederick Wezeman and Dr. John Santaniello of Loyola University’s Stritch School of Medicine, the site contains a series of interactive dissection exercises, a cross-sectional tutorial, and some very helpful flash cards. One feature that should not be missed is the ”Learn ’Em” area. ...
LUMEN: Structure of the Human Body
Das in Teilen bereits 1997 als ʺPionierʺ online gegange Projekt wurde mehrfach aktualisiert. Leider ist die 2021/22 - Version nur noch für registrierte Nutzer aufrufbar. For medical professionals, learning about the human body is crucial. Created by Dr. Frederick Wezeman and Dr. John Santaniello of Loyola University's Stritch School of Medicine, the site contains a ...