LUMEN: Structure of the Human Body kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

LUMEN: Structure of the Human Body

kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

For medical professionals, learning about the human body is crucial. Created by Dr. Frederick Wezeman and Dr. John Santaniello of Loyola University’s Stritch School of Medicine, the site contains a series of interactive dissection exercises, a cross-sectional tutorial, and some very helpful flash cards. One feature that should not be missed is the ”Learn ’Em” area. Here, visitors can learn about the structure and location of various arteries, nerves, and dermatomes. The site concludes with a thematically-organized collection of external anatomy links. 

Zur Verfügung gestellt von: Hessischer Bildungsserver
Kostenpflichtig: nein
Lizenz: Keine Angabe
Geeignet für: Lehrer
Frei zugänglich: ja
Lernressourcentyp: Arbeitsmaterial
Sprache: Deutsch
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