Ergebnis der Suche (17)

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( ( (Systematikpfad: ENGLISCH) und (Systematikpfad: "BILINGUALER UNTERRICHT") ) und (Systematikpfad: DEMOCRACY) ) und (Systematikpfad: POLITIK)

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161 bis 170
  • UK Parliament

    The official YouTube channel for UK Parliament (2020)

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  • UK Politics: Different Electoral Systems Explained

    Alan History Nerd explains how the different electoral systems used in the UK work (UK 2020).

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  • Which voting system is the best?

    Dive into four different voting systems: plurality, instant runoff, tactical, and the Condorcet method, and find out which is fairest. (TED-Ed 2020)

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  • YouTube channel for UK Parliament

    The UK Parliament is made up of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The channel lets viewers watch videos on ʺhow we scrutinise the government, discuss issues important to the public, and work at the heart of UK democracyʺ (2021).

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  • How Lobbying Became A $3.5 Billion Industry

    Lobbying is a huge industry in the U.S.. In 2019, around 12,000 registered professionals helped clients spend over $3.5 billion. The video explains how lobbying works, why it exists and how it became a powerful tool for businesses (15 minutes / USA: CBS 2020-21).

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  • Do lobbyists have too much influence?

    How much lobbying is too much lobbying? (4 minutes / DW-News 2017)

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  • Interest Groups

    Special interest groups are groups of individuals that make policy-related appeals to government - like the NRA, AARP, or the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. (8 minutes / USA: Crash Course Government and Politics #42)  

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  • Interest Groups and Lobbying

    Video on NAACP, US Chamber of Commerce, NRA, AARP, AFL-CIO, AMA (6 minutes / USA: Khan Academy 2021)

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  • Interest Groups

    AP Government review video for any government textbook (14 minutes / USA: Jocz Productions).

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  • UK Politics: Think Tanks, Lobbyists and Corporations

    This video explores the role of Think Tanks, Lobbyists and Corporations and the impact they have on government in the UK (12 minutes / UK 2021).

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