The German education system: basic facts

A selection of English language documents regarding the German education system and related aspects.
The Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany - PDF-files
The dossier provides a comprehensive overview of the German education system, including political and economic background, covering all levels of education from pre-primary to secondary, higher and continuing education. Furthermore, the evaluation of teachers and institutions is addressed, and special sections cover special needs education and the European dimension. The English language dossier can be accessed [...]
document from: Ständige Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (KMK)
The Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany - PDF-files: Read more
The Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany - PDF-filesReport a broken link
Education in Germany (World Education News and Reviews, WENR)
The article presents a brief introduction to the education system in Germany and recent trends, particularly evolving from the coronavirus pandemic and closures of schools and universities. Germany is upstepping its digital transformation in education in schools and universities, and the trend to internationalisation of higher education has also led to online digital education with an international focus, [...]