Who Makes Your iPhone: A discussion about sweatshops

kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

What is the human cost of an iPad? The labor conditions at factories making Apple products have been in the public spotlight lately. While Apple is not unique in using low-wage Chinese labor to produce its electronic products, the popularity of the iPad and iPhone, along with publicity surrounding the death of Apple CEO Steve Jobs, have renewed debate about what labor conditions constitute modern-day sweatshops (Teachable Moment 2012-14).

Zur Verfügung gestellt von: Hessischer Bildungsserver
Kostenpflichtig: nein
Lizenz: Keine Angabe
Geeignet für: Lehrer
Frei zugänglich: ja
Lernressourcentyp: Unterrichtsplanung
Sprache: Englisch
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