My Europe 2100 e.V.

kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

ʺ'My Europe 2100 e.V.' is an international, non-partisan, independent charity that unites students, politicians, business leaders, academics and journalists in workshops all over Europe. It was launched in 2011 by the Frankfurter Zukunftsrat (future think tank) and Viviane Reding, Member of European Parliament . In August 2016, the project “My Europe” became an officially registered charity with the name “My Europe 2100”. The aim of the charity is to give a voice to young people and enable them to shape the future of Europe by fostering awareness, curiosity, critical thinking, and above all, a sense of community and collective responsibility among Europe’s youth around a common future.ʺ Quelle: Anbieter / 2021

Zur Verfügung gestellt von: Hessischer Bildungsserver
Kostenpflichtig: nein
Lizenz: Keine Angabe
Geeignet für: Lehrer
Frei zugänglich: ja
Lernressourcentyp: Arbeitsmaterial
Sprache: Englisch
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