Bilingualer Unterricht Englisch (vom Landesbildungsserver Baden-Württemberg)
kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier
Bilingual lessons in the English language emphasise the learning of English at the middle and upper level of secondary schools. They encourage the model of content-based language learning by teaching subjects like Geography, History or Biology or at least some aspects of these subjects in English. This site has been designed to assist teachers and students of bilingual courses in English, provide a platform for the publication of bilingual lesson plans and projects. A Links to bilingual classes in Baden-Württemberg offers a large range of teaching materials, especially in Geography, History, Biology and Physics, informations on bilingual teaching, bilingual teacher training, courses... Informationen zu bilingualem Unterricht an Gymnasien der neunjährigen, wie der achtjährigen Form, eine Liste dieser Gymnasien in Baden-Württemberg und von Realschulen mit bilingualem Angebot. Hilfen für den Austausch wie z.B. BSCW