Blocking Trade, or Blocking Aid?

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In this two-day New York Times lesson, students examine various foreign conflicts in which the United States intervened, focusing on the causes of the conflicts, the United States` justification for entering the conflicts, and the outcomes of these interventions. Students work in small groups to research and present one such foreign conflict and, in round-table discussion format, compare and contrast these conflicts to each other and to the United States?? current military actions against and support for economic sanctions against Iraq.

Zur Verfügung gestellt von: Hessischer Bildungsserver
Bildungsebene:Sekundarstufe II
Kostenpflichtig: nein
Lizenz: Keine Angabe
Titel für Schüler: Exploring U.S. Intervention in Iraq and Other Foreign Affairs
Frei zugänglich: ja
Lernressourcentyp: Unterrichtsplanung
Sprache: Deutsch
Geeignet für: Lehrer
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