Top 8 British Youth Subcultureskostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

Top 8 British Youth Subcultures

kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

ʺYouth rebellion and music has long been linked with Britain's sartorial history; from ostentatious radicals embracing new levels of swank vulgarity, to the DIY garbs of punk and the brazenly bold colours of the 1980s new wave, the inception of subcultures has provided an outlet for expressive fashion and a space for communities to flourish.In their Introduction to British Youth Subcultures webinar, UAL tutors Dr Ray Kinsella and Kevin Quinn explore the residual power and value of British subcultures on life and fashion today. But with the growing argument that today's subcultures are less to do with collective youth insurgency and more to do with fashion trends and individuality, as debated in the Subcultures Today and Subcultures Tomorrow webinar, we look back at some of the most discernible tribes of post-war Britain and the top subcultures of recent history.ʺ Quelle: Anbieter / University of the Arts London

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Höchstalter: 18
Bildungsebene:Sekundarstufe II
Sprache: Deutsch
Mindestalter: 15
Lernressourcentyp: Arbeitsmaterial
Geeignet für: Schüler; Lehrer
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