poverty - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

poverty - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Poverty in America
Students will explore census data, including infographics and reports, to better understand rates of poverty in the nation (USA: Census Bureau 2020).
UK poverty statistics
The latest UK poverty data, statistics and analysis from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2020)
Economic Inequality in America
In this New York Times lesson students will learn about the problems of poverty and economic inequality in America and then will research possible solutions as they propose a new war on poverty for 2014 (2014).
50 years after The Other America: POVERTY IN THE U.S.
In this lesson, readings focus on the debate about who should count as poor in this country and proposals for combating poverty (Teachable Moment USA 2012-20).
50 years after The Other America: POVERTY IN THE U.S.
Two student readings, with discussion questions, consider the state of poverty in the U.S. (Teachable Moment USA 2012-20).
Weltbank: Poverty
Materialien zur Untersuchung der Reduktion von Armut und zu Strategien in diesem Bereich (World Bank 2009-18)
Charles Booth's London: Poverty maps
Charles Booth (1840-1916) was a British businessman and social reformer remembered today mostly for his efforts to document poverty in nineteenth-century London. (U.K. 2018)
U.S. Census Bureau: Poverty
Definitionen, Daten, Geschichte des Problems (USA 2020)
Don’t Panic — How to End Poverty in 30 Years
The film was broadcasted on BBC TWO on September 23, 2015.
Weltbank: Poverty
Materialien zur Untersuchung der Reduktion von Armut und zu Strategien in diesem Bereich (World Bank 2009)