politics - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

politics - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

International Politics (Bilingualer Unterricht)
International Politics (Bilingualer Unterricht)
Politics of the United States
Wikipedia series on the politics and government of the United States (2020)
The World's Muslims: Religion, Politics, and Society
The Pew Research on Religion and Public Life Project conducted over 38,000 face-to-face interviews in 29 countries to compile this report on Muslim views on religion, politics, and society (USA 2013-15).
British Politics?
Lexikon zum politischen System in Gr0ßbritannien (History Learning Site / Chris Trueman, UK 2011-15) 
Elizabeth Hill-Scott presents Advanced Level UK Government & Politics Guides (16-18 Yrs) (2021).
History & Politics Out Loud
Searchable multimedia database documenting authoritative audio relevant to American history and politics (Northwestern University 2008-21).
Politics and elections
Deutsche Welle supports students to talk about elections and about the political offices and institutions in Germany (2023).
British Politics and Policy
BPP is a multidisciplinary academic blog run by the London School of Economics and Political Science. Its aim is to increase the public understanding of British politics and policy by providing accessible academic commentary and research (2022).
Politics, Economics & Culture
Das hessische Projekt PoleCule hat zum Ziel ein englischsprachiges Curriculum mit dem Titel „Politics, Economics & Culture“ zu entwickeln und zu erproben (Goethe Universität Frankfurt a. Main 2018).
Crash Course U.S. Government and Politics
Craig Benzine introduces a Crash Course about U.S. Government and Politics (USA: PBS 2017-21)