information society - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen
CALM AFTER THE STORM: Examining Changes in Sri Lankan Society in the Wake of the Tsunami
In this lesson, students will create posters providing information about Sri Lanka’s history and society both before and after the tsunami. They then write response papers considering the future of this small country devastated by the natural disaster (NEW YORK TIMES LESSON PLAN, 5.1.2005).
International Water Law Project
Access to fresh water is a fundamental need of every society. International law and policy have become involved to help maintain the quality and quantity of water resources. The International Water Law Project provides readers with comprehensive information on the subject (USA 2018).
What Is Home?
Students will be able to: Analyze text and images in order to synthesize information and reflect on the question: What is home? Compare and contrast their ideas of home with the “home” portrayed in the media. Evaluate and revise their ideas and connections to this topic by discussing the details in the text and images (Pulitzer Center 2018).
Safer Internet Day "Gemeinsam für ein besseres Internet Together for a better internet"
Auf Initiative der Europäischen Kommission findet jährlich im Februar der Safer Internet Day statt. Daher sind in vielen Ländern Veranstaltungen und Wettbewerbe organisiert worden, die Kinder dazu animieren sollen, sich mit dem Thema "Sicherheit im Internet" zu beschäftigen.
Immigration Debate
Americans offer positive and negative perspectives regarding immigrants. There are points of view, for example, regarding immigrants' impact on the U.S. labor force and issues around terrorism and immigration. Gathering information on pro and con arguments can be helpful if making conclusions regarding immigrants' roles in the United States is to occur (PBS, USA ...
- Bilingualer Unterricht (9)
- Englisch (9)
- Sprachen und Literatur (9)
- Politik (8)
- Society (6)
- Berufliche Bildung Allgemein (2)
- Berufliche Bildung (2)
- Immigration (3)
- Europa (3)
- Berufliche Bildung (2)
- Vocational Education And Training (2)
- Migration (2)
- Refugees (1)
- Forecast (1)
- Sekundarstufe Ii (8)
- Sekundarstufe I (7)
- Primarstufe (2)
- Fort- und Weiterbildung (2)
- Berufliche Bildung (2)
- Elementarbildung (1)
- Hochschule (1)