higher education - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

higher education - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

England Higher Education System
Structure of the Higher Educational System in England, the UKAdmissions to Higher Education in England, the UKTypes of Higher Education Institutions in England, the UKCycles of Higher Education in England, the UK  
USAGov - Education
ʺFind government information on education including primary, secondary, and higher education.ʺ Quelle: Anbieter
Department for Education (UK)
The Department for Education is responsible for children’s services and education, including early years, schools, higher and further education policy, apprenticeships and wider skills in England (2019).
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education: Impact & Examples
Despite the many benefits that technology has brought to education, there are also concerns about its impact on higher education institutions. With the rise of online education and the growing availability of educational resources on the internet, many traditional universities and colleges are worried about the future of their institutions.  (Quelle: Anbieter) ...
Online Learning and Teaching Materials
The Economics Network of the UK's Higher Education Academy provides resources to support university teachers of economics (2009-18).
Case Studies for Teaching Economics
The Economics Network of the UK’s Higher Education Academy provides resources to support university teachers of economics (2009)
Economics Network
The Economics Network of the UK's Higher Education Academy provides resources to support university teachers of economics (2009-23).
Edchange: Multicultural Pavilion
Very rich linklist to US American sources (in English) under the following main sujects: General Multicultural Path (with: Essays and articles, Higher Education, Journals and Magazines, Multicultural Education, Organisations and associations); Multicultural Education: Subjects and Fields (aming many others English as a second language ESL; Bilingula Education, Evaluation and ...
ResearchGATE Job Board
Das ResearchGATE Job Board für “Science & Higher Education“. Integriert in die internationale ResearchGATE Plattform für Wissenschaftskommunikation bietet es akademische Jobs aus verschienden Disziplinen und Ländern. Universitäten können hier kostenfrei Stellen ausschreiben.
EU-Bericht: Vielfalt, Gerechtigkeit und Integration in den europäischen Hochschulen
Der Bericht bietet ein umfassendes Bild mit Daten von 159 Hochschuleinrichtungen aus 36 europäischen Bildungssystemen. Es zeigt verschiedene Strategien und Maßnahmen und analysiert Erfolgsfaktoren, Herausforderungen und Bedürfnisse zur Unterstützung des Aufbaus institutioneller Kapazitäten zur Förderung von Integration, Diversität und Gleichbehandlung in der ...