can - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

can - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Checker Can - Der Silvetser Check
In diesem Video führt Checker Can den Silvester Check durch.
How Can Citizens Participate?
The lesson will discuss the different ways citizens may participate (USA: CivicEd 2018).
Can the economy grow forever?
Is infinite economic growth possible on a planet with finite resources? Explore how countries can balance efficiency with sustainability (6 minutes / TED-ED 2022).
Online-Arbeitsblätter mit Online-Korrektur
You can practise your English grammar and vocabulary skills with interactive tests on this free website. You can receive free interactive email tests. If you register and login you can see which tests you have done and how successfully. Learning English with these free online tests is really motivating. New tests are added every week.
What Is Inflation? What Can Be Done About It?
Students discuss the rising cost of goods and services and consider why this is happening and what people propose to do about it (USA: Teachable Moment 2022).
How Politicians Can Use Big Data to Win Elections
In the video, The Atlantic writer Vann R. Newkirk II explains how big data can help win elections — and why Pennsylvania and Maryland have already faced lawsuits over gerrymandering technology (USA 2017).
Tools for English
On this website you can find a variety of tools that can help you prepare English language exercises within minutes.
How false news can spread
This lesson is build around a web video and deals with circular reporting (TED-Ed 2015).
Checker Can, Tobi und Julian
Die Checker-Sendungen stehen hier für Schülerinnen und Schüler zum Anschauen zur Verfügung.