You - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen
Visiting London
Have you ever been to London? This time you are going to visit London through the internet. In pairs you are going to find out what you can do in London. With the information you find you will have to make a collage, describing the sights you have chosen and using pictures of the sight. For this WebQuest you have 100 minutes. Have fun!!!
Online-Arbeitsblätter mit Online-Korrektur
You can practise your English grammar and vocabulary skills with interactive tests on this free website. You can receive free interactive email tests. If you register and login you can see which tests you have done and how successfully. Learning English with these free online tests is really motivating. New tests are added every week.
Planet Earth Webquest
Read all about it! An alien has landed! Have you heard? They are here to be students of our planet Earth. They want to learn about the weird creatures we call plants and animals. Can you guess who will be their expert? That’s right you are. You will need to decide if you want to become an expert on plants or animals, so that you can teach our visitors.
ʺBewegungʺ der Sterne
What you see is real, but you can’t see it this way with the naked eye. It is the result of 20-30 second exposures edited together over many hours to produce the timelapse. This allows you to see the Milky Way, Aurora and other phenomena, in ways you wouldn’t normally see them.
Everyday English Conversations
Alltagsdialoge als Text und Hördatei. Letztes Update: 2012. ʺDoes it happen to you that sometimes you feel frustrated because you find yourself unable to express yourself clearly and yet when you hear native speakers, you feel that it is so simple and easy? In this section, we will focus on learning idiomatic and everyday expressions to help us deal with daily ...
- Bildungsserver Hessen (172)
- Bildungsmediathek NRW (27)
- Deutscher Bildungsserver (25)
- Lehrer-Online (11)
- Elixier Community (7)
- Select Hessen (7)
- Landesbildungsserver Baden-Württemberg (2)
- Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung (1)
- Landesbildungsserver Berlin-Brandenburg (1)
- Englisch (177)
- Sprachen und Literatur (170)
- Bilingualer Unterricht (43)
- Sprache, Sprachliche Fertigkeiten, Kompetenzen (41)
- Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fächer (29)
- Politik (28)
- Sozialkundlich-Philosophische Fächer (26)
- Sekundarstufe I (214)
- Sekundarstufe Ii (110)
- Primarstufe (25)
- Berufliche Bildung (16)
- Hochschule (5)
- Fort- und Weiterbildung (5)
- Elementarbildung (3)
- Arbeitsmaterial (96)
- Unterrichtsplanung (39)
- Video/animation (32)
- Lernkontrolle (14)
- Arbeitsblatt (8)
- Webquest (7)
- Kurs (4)