Why-Methode - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Why-Methode - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Methode "Ursachenanalyse-5-Whys"
Fördergeber*in: Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend
Why Is The Free Flow of Oil Important?
Students learn how oil pricing works and why it is significant in the global economy (USA: World101, 2022)
France: The European elections: why and how?
The French government informs about the voting procedures (2018).
Why was Shakespeare so special?
Hier geht es zu einem interessanten BBC Special über Shakespeare.
Why are earthquakes so hard to predict?
Why are earthquakes so hard to anticipate, and how could we get better at predicting them? Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl investigates. (TedEd 2023)
Why did Kings struggle to rule England?
Video lessons, resources and activities for Key Stage 3 History (UK: Oak National Academy 2022)
Methodiken des DaF-Unterrichts
Der Aufsatz bietet einen Überblick, worin sich die bedeutendsten Unterrichtsmethoden im deutschen Fremdsprachenunterricht von einander unterscheiden. Behandelt werden v.a. die Grammatik-Übersetzungs-Methode, die direkte Methode, die audiolinguale / audiovisuelle Methode, die vermittelnde Methode und die kommunikative Methode.
’The Prince’ and ’Why Machiavelli Still Matters’
This New York Times lesson pairs Machiavelli’s ”The Prince” with the Times Opinion article ”Why Machiavelli Still Matters” by John T. Scott and Robert Zaretsky (2014).
Why the Jews: History of Antisemitism
This 13-minute film introduces the history of antisemitism from its origins in the days of the early Christian church until the era of the Holocaust in the mid-20th century (USA: Holocaust Museum 2020).
Carl Schurz on Why He Became a Supporter ...
The politician and journalist Carl Schurz (1829-1906) emigrated from Germany to America, where he established a career as a lawyer (German History in Documents and Images 2023).