WHAT - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

WHAT - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

What is Fair Play?
englischsprachige Website zum Thema auf fairplayinternational.org
What is the Senate filibuster, and what would it take to eliminate it?
The Senate cloture rule requires 60 members to end debate on most topics and move to a vote (USA: Brookings 2021)
What Is Inflation? What Can Be Done About It?
Students discuss the rising cost of goods and services and consider why this is happening and what people propose to do about it (USA: Teachable Moment 2022).
What colour is it?
What colours is it? Schülerinnen und Schüler müssen entsprechend zu den Fragen, die der Frosch stellt die richtige Farbe anklicken.
What Is the Anthropocene?
The video clip shows why scientists think we are in a new geologic age and what it means for our future. (3:14, USA: Smithsonian Institution 2020)
Evaluating Turkey: What Makes a Country “Free”?
Students determine why Turkey was downgraded by Freedom House to “not free”, they evaluate what it means for a country to be “free”, and they assess what freedoms they have in their community (Pulitzer Center 2019).
What is Ultimate?
Wissenswertes zur Geschichte von Ultimate Frisbee und der Verbreitung auf internationaler Ebene  Website in englischer Sprache
What is Policy?
This explanation needs less than 5 minutes (USA 2018).
Syria Today: What It Means to Be Syrian
Students think about the idea of ʺhomeʺ and what it means to be a refugee, learn about the refugee crisis in Syria, and hear the voices of Syrian refugees (Teachable Moments USA 2013-20).