Understanding - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen
Election 2016: Understanding Primaries and Caucuses
This New York Times lesson provides a primer on the presidential nomination process by combining resources from The New York Times with videos and information from around the web, so students won’t just understand how candidates get nominated, but will also be challenged to think deeply about how the system works (2016).
I speak football
Language skills do not just benefit footballers. It’s also an ability required by many people in our modern international world. There are personal advantages, but also the understanding of other languages is a big step to understanding another culture, and therefore a means against xenophobia and racism.
Understanding Science
The website has the goal ʺto provide a fun, accessible, and free resource that accurately communicates what science is and how it really works.ʺ The project has a specific focus on assisting teachers in keeping young people interested in science (Museum of Paleontology of the University of California at Berkeley 2012-20).
- Bildungsserver Hessen (55)
- Deutscher Bildungsserver (18)
- Select Hessen (2)
- Bildungsmediathek NRW (1)
- Englisch (49)
- Sprachen und Literatur (49)
- Bilingualer Unterricht (32)
- Politik (15)
- Geschichte (11)
- Fachunabhängige Bildungsthemen (9)
- Usa (8)
- Sekundarstufe Ii (50)
- Sekundarstufe I (48)
- Berufliche Bildung (9)
- Hochschule (7)
- Primarstufe (4)
- Fort- und Weiterbildung (2)
- Elementarbildung (1)
- Unterrichtsplanung (25)
- Arbeitsmaterial (14)
- Portal (6)
- Nachschlagewerk (6)
- Video/animation (5)
- Bild/grafik (2)
- Arbeitsblatt (2)