Terms - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Terms - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Literary Terms
A dictionary of literary devices (literary terms), from ʺallegoryʺ through ʺverseʺ, with definitions and examples.
Key Migration Terms
Mit diesen Begriffen beschreiben die Vereinten Nationen Migration (International Organization for Migration 2020).
A Glossary of Political Economy Terms
Online edition of A Glossary of Political Economy Terms by Dr. Paul M. Johnson of Auburn University (2009).
ERIC Thesaurus
List of terms representing research topics in the field of education (USA 2016-21)
Glossary of Education Reform
The U.S. glossary describes school-improvement terms, concepts, and strategies (2019).
Modell zur Erklärung des Termbegriffes
Am Beispiel eines Personenzugs kann der Begriff des Terms interaktiv erfahren werden.
The First Amendment Encyclopedia
The encyclopedia includes articles on court cases, people, concepts and legal terms, laws and proposed laws and issues related to the five freedoms (USA 2019).